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We are looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure your children can achieve their highest potential. We have found that educational and overall success in school is greatly improved with support from both the home and school. Therefore, we encourage strong partnerships between JT families, the children’s teachers, and Jolly Toddlers’ staff. With your support, we can make a difference in your child’s success at Jolly Toddlers. As partners, we share the responsibility for each child’s success and want you to know that we will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities. We ask that you guide and support your child’s learning by (a) bringing your child on time and ready for the day’s learning experience; (b) reading to your child or having your child read to you daily to develop a love for reading and to improve literacy skills; (c) ask your child to share school experiences with you so that you are aware of his/her school life; (d) and let us know if you feel your child needs additional support in any area, either in person or through our suggestion box, which is located in the front office area or here online. We are now offering an anonymous communication line as well!.



Dinner Project


Try visiting the Family Dinner Project over the weekend & sign up to receive free daily dinner inspirations delivered direct to your inbox.

There's also an option to sign up for budget friendly dinner inspirations that incorporate SNAP and other nutrition assistance programs into each recipe.

Studies indicate that for young children, dinner conversation is a more potent vocabulary-booster than reading, and the stories told around the kitchen table help our children build resilience. The icing on the cake is that regular family meals also lower the rates of obesity and eating disorders in children and adolescents.

With inspirations delivered direct to your inbox, you'll have more time to spend actually bonding with your kiddos.

In addition to the food recipes, The Family Dinner Project also provides FUN activities and quality CONVERSATION recipes as well! Don't wait another second to start having fun with your family.


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