Family owned and operated since 1984!
Equal Opportunity Care Provider and Equal Opportunity Employer

Access to Jolly Toddlers
Each parent, guardian, or authorized person with be provided full access to Jolly Toddlers without notification whenever their child(ren) is present. Please remember the door code is for the safety of your child and the children ay Jolly Toddlers. The code may only be used by staff, parents, guardians, and authorized persons. Parents are asked not to share codes with unauthorized users. Please do not hold the door open for other parents. We realize this might seem rude, but our focus in on the safety of your child/ren.
Fire Drills
As required by law, the school will hold regular fire and safety drills. It is expected that all students at the time of such drills will participate fully. At times, these drills may take place in inclement weather. All attempts will be made to assure that children are properly attired at such times. Should you find yourself at school while a drill is taking place, please participate with your child. Please take time to review and discuss the importance of such drills with your child and to be sure that he or she knows the routines.

Arrival & Departure
All parents must sign child(ren) in upon arrival and out upon departure. Each parent shall be given the access code to the front door at the time of their enrollment. This code is for the safety of your child and the children ay Jolly Toddlers. The code may only be used by staff, parents, guardians, and authorized persons. Parents are asked not to share codes with unauthorized users. Jolly Toddlers staff will not receive students before 7:00AM and pick up time is 6:00 PM.
To prevent unnecessary accidents, parents are asked to take their child(ren) directly to their class(es) upon entering the building. Students leaving the building must be accompanied by parents or adults from the class to the vehicle. Please keep your child(ren) from running or roaming the building, classrooms or hallways. Jolly Toddlers will not be held liable for accidents, incidents, or injuries that may occur to child(ren) who are not under the care of our staff. When child(ren) are released from the class to parents, guardians, or an authorized person they are no longer under the care of our staff.
Court Orders
Access or release of you child cannot legally be denied to a parent, guardian, or authorized person unless there is an active restraining order on file or specific schedule of court ordered visitation rights. If the situation is unclear, we request that the family go back to the court to resolve their differences.
A child may not be visited by or released to a non-custodial parent unless the custodial parent authorizes the Center to allow such visits or releases. Further, if a non-custodial parent has been denied access, or granted limited access, to the child by a court order, the Center shall secure documentation to this effect and maintain a copy on file. It is the responsibility of the custodial parent or the non-custodial parent to provide Center with this information. When two parents have custody, they are treated equally with respect to release of the child and to accepting authorization for the instruction.
Impaired Authorized Person
If a parent or authorized escort appears to be physically, and /or emotionally impaired to the extent that, in the judgment of the staff member on duty, the child would be placed at risk or harm if released to that individual, it is the Jolly Toddler’s Policy to:
Refuse to release a child to such an impaired individual.
Attempt to contact an authorized person. This may include a taxi or other driver acceptable to the parent or the authorized escort if the impairment is in that person’s ability to drive.
Faculty will contact local police if any problems arise.
Parent cooperation in this matter of picking up children at the end of the day is an important ingredient in care of the children and the success of our program and is very much appreciated!
Operating a Vehicle on Premises.
Because the safety of our children is of paramount concern to us, we require all parents to adhere to the following rules of the road while picking up children:
There is a 5 miles per hour speed limit at all times while on school property.
While on school grounds, pedestrians always have the right of way.
Vehicle ignitions MUST be turned off, and the keys removed, while parked on school grounds.
Children may NOT be left unattended in a vehicle at any time or for any reason.
Medical Emergency
In case of medical emergency, parent or guardian will be called and will take responsibility for obtaining the necessary medical treatment. If circumstances require immediate or professional care in the judgment of our staff, Jolly Toddlers will call an Emergency Medical Service, (EMS) such as 911 and Jolly Toddlers staff will respond as necessary until EMS arrives. A doctor’s note will be needed for the child to be able to return to child care.
In the event of either a medical emergency or a simple injury, an incident form will need to be signed by the parent and the staff person.
Costs incurred from the treatment of any injury or illness occurring to your child and the results thereof are the sole responsibility of the parent/guardian.
Simple Injury
In case of simple injury, (such as an abrasion, skinned knee), the staff will perform routine hygienic measures, such as washing wounds and applying bandages. These routines procedures may also include the application of first aid products in the event of burns or need to protect against infections. In the event of bee stings or other stings, antihistamines may be given orally, but staff will try to contact a parent or guardian first. If your child is allergic to antihistamines please let staff know. A doctor’s note may be needed for the child to be able to return to child care. Incident reports are made for critical injuries only, as required by the state.
At enrollment you will have the opportunity to give consent for your child to be taken to the closest capable and willing hospital and if necessary, for treatment of your child by a qualified physician. Our staff and/or an EMS driver will not transport your child to an emergency facility if you, or an authorized individual, has not provided the requisite consent.
Costs incurred from the treatment of any injury or illness occurring to your child and the results thereof are the sole responsibility of the parent/guardian. further, the treatment or failure of treatment for your child is the sole responsibility of the parent/guardian and you agree to hold Jolly Toddlers harmless from any such liability.
Late Pickup
If a parent or authorized person does not pick up a child by closing time (6PM), Jolly Toddlers will use the following procedures:
The child is supervised at all times.
Faculty attempts to contact the parent, guardian, or authorized person.
If there are no plans for pick up and we have not heard from any family member two (2) hours after closing. The facility member will call the local police department to help us with this situation.
Late pickup fee charged.
Release of Child/ren
Child(ren) will be released only to parents, guardians, or authorized persons. Should you require a change to the normal pick-up routine of your child and the person you wish to pick-up your child is not indicated on their Emergency Form, you must request such change in writing or via the telephone and the Release of Child by Oral Designation. Telephone authorizations for changes in pick up may require a code to verify identity. Codes will be kept confidential the front desk.
Jolly Toddlers will also release child to anyone indicated on the Child’s Emergency Form, provided the individual has valid picture identification such as a driver’s license. Therefore, it is important to keep Emergency Forms up to date and accurate as often as they are changed and at the very least every 6 months. If at any time you change information on your emergency forms please let Jolly Toddlers know, so you may update the information on a new emergency form.
The following rules apply in order for Jolly Toddlers staff to administer medications to children:
Jolly Toddlers will administer medication; however, the Medication Form must accompany the medication, be completed & signed by a parent or guardian. The form must specify the dosage to be administered, the time to be administered, and the length of time that the child is expected to be on the medication.
If a medication is to be administered for longer than 10 days, we require a physician’s signature on the appropriate medication form.
Written authorization from the parent or guardian is also required in order for us to apply topical products, such as diaper ointment or sunscreen.
Medication must be in the original container and prescription medication clearly labeled with the full pharmacy label.
Medication must be clearly labeled with the child’s first and last name, the name of the medication and the directions for use.
Prescription medication shall be used only for the child named on the label.
Medication is not allowed in cubbies or book bags.
Jolly Toddlers cannot administer medicines or perform procedures requiring specific skills or prior medical training.
Child Abuse
Child abuse is a serious physical or mental injury which is explained by medical history as being non-accidental sexual abuse or sexual exploitation; or serious physical neglect of a child if the injury, abuse, or neglect of a child has been caused by the acts or omissions of the child’s parent, by a person responsible for the child’s welfare, by an individual residing in the same home as the child, or by a paramour of a child’s parent.
As outlined by the Department of Public Welfare:
a. Jolly Toddlers and any staff person whom has any reason to believe that a child enrolled in the facility is in any danger of being abused, has been abused, or neglected is required to report suspected child abuse to Child Line in accordance with the Child Protective Services Law. We are mandated reporters as outlined by this law.
b. Anyone may be designated by the operator as the person responsible to notify Child Line of suspected child abuse. The operator or designated staff person with this responsibility shall immediately notify Child Line at 1 (800) 932 0313.
c. Within 48 hours, a written report regarding the suspected child abuse shall be submitted by the director or designated staff person to the Child Protective Services Unit, which has the responsibility of the report.
Emergency Closing
If the Center is closed due to inclement weather or other emergency check HI MAMA. We will post as soon as reasonably possible. Closing and emergency information will also be provided on Action News Channel 6 or NBC 10. We typically close when Centennial School District is closed. Check our social pages for up to the minute decisions- @jollytoddlers (instagram) & @jollytoddlers1984 (facebook).
Should severe weather or emergency arise that would require Jolly Toddlers to close or require early pick-up, parents will be responsible to arrange for their child’s pick up. There will be no credit given for any time Jolly Toddlers is closed.