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Prior to enrollment, all students are required to have updated immunization (or waivers) and health forms as required by state law on file. These health forms must be submitted prior to the start of school each year. Parents must notify us in writing if their child has allergies of any kind. Immunization records must be kept current, in accordance with the guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatrics for Immunizations, OCDEL, and ACIP. All physicals should be updated every 6 months, or annually based on child's age. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Medical Form is to be used for all medical assessments.


Staff members are trained in pediatric first aid and CPR and can tend to everyday bumps and bruises. If a child has an accident or incident during the day, the appropriate form will be filed and sent home for the parent’s notice. For any serious accident or incident, we will attempt to notify parents by telephone and file an Incident report. In the event of a serious emergency, the school will secure immediate medical attention. Every effort will be made to contact parents, guardians, or authorized family members or friends.


As per the Child Health Assessment Form  (Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Medical Form), the standard immunizations are: 


PTaP/DTP/Td, POLIO, HIB, HEP B, MMR, VARICELLA, Hep A PNEUMOCOCCAL, INFLUENZA, COVID-19 or any other immunization required by the Department of Public Welfare, The American Academy of Pediatrics, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or ACIP.

Does your child have Allergies or Asthma?




All families are expected to openly share information about their child’s behavior, symptoms, or exposure to illness.


Jolly Toddlers understands that it is difficult for a parent to leave or miss work, therefore it is suggested that alternative arrangements be made for occasions when children must remain at home or be picked up due to illness. The purpose of our sick policy is to reduce the spread of illness among children and to encourage full recuperation of sick children before they return to school. We depend on parents to assist us in maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all of our children.


We reserve the right to send home any student who shows signs of illness at school. Any student who becomes ill at school will be made comfortable until his/her parent can be notified and the student is picked up from school. A parent must pick up the ill child within one and a half hours of notification. A sick child must stay home where he/she is most relaxed and comfortable.


Children may be sent home if they have any specific symptoms as listed below. In addition, a child must be free of all of these specified symptoms for at least 24 hours before he/she can be returned to school. These symptoms are as follows:

  1. Fever accompanied by other symptom (temperature of 100F taken by mouth, 99F under the arm, or 101F taken by ear using “rectal” equivalent.

  2. Any rash suspicious of contagious childhood disease.

  3. Vomiting accompanied by other symptoms (fever, rash, diarrhea, crankiness, etc...)

  4. Diarrhea accompanied by other symptoms (fever, rash, diarrhea, crankiness, etc...) or uncontrolled diarrhea (stool runs out of diaper or child unable to get to toilet in time or multiple episodes per day)

  5. Any skin rash, lesion or wounds with bleeding or oozing of clear fluid or pus, or from any oral cavity.

  6. Conjunctivitis also called “pink eye” with white or yellow discharge.

  7. Mouth sores with drooling.

  8. Any condition preventing the child from participating comfortably in unusual program activities.

  9. Any illness or condition requiring one-on-one care.

  10. Scabies, head lice, or other infestations.

  11. Constant, uncontrolled nasal discharge or constant uncontrolled productive cough (raising phlegm).

  12. Any contagious illness which is reportable ** to the Department of Public Health.

  13. This list is not exhaustive and subject to update.


After a child was observed with, absent, or sent home for any of the above reasons and in order to return to Jolly Toddlers, the child must have been seen by a doctor and received a note to indicate that the illness is no longer contagious and if applicable, following conditions must be met:


  1. A child must be free from fever, vomiting, and diarrhea (without symptoms) for a full 24 hours.

  2. Any child prescribed an antibiotic for a current bacterial infection must take the prescription for a full 24 hours before returning.

  3. A child must be able to participate comfortably in all usual program activities, including outdoor time.

  4. The child must be free of open oozing skin/mouth conditions unless:

             1.  A health care provider signs a note stating that the condition is not contagious, &

             2.  A bandage without seepage or draining through the bandage can cover                                      the involved area(s).

  1. A child excluded because of lice, scabies, or other infestation may return 24 hours after treatment has begun with a note from the doctor* stating that the child is larvae or nit free.

  2. Whether a child was excluded because of a reportable** or unreportable contagious illness, a doctor’s* note stating that the child is no longer contagious is required to readmission.


 *   The note must be from a physician who is not related to the child.

 ** Each state publishes a listing of communicable disease (such as measles, tuberculosis, whooping cough, COVID-19, etc) which must be reported to the Department of Public Health upon diagnosis.


                                               To ensure compliance with DOH immunizations regulation                                                     pertaining to children in child care group settings as stated                                                    in 28 Pa. Code Chapter §27.77, a representative from either state, county, or city will contact a random selection of DHS certified child care providers via telephone to set up an appointment to visit the DHS certified child care facility. The visits will be in person due to DOH following Federal guidance that in person activities are to resume whenever possible. DOH will review the immunization records for all children between the ages of 2 to 59 months who are enrolled at the facility. At the time of the initial contact, the DOH representative will ask how many children between the ages of 2 to 59 months are enrolled at the facility, as the length of the visit is contingent on the number of children in this age range enrolled at the facility. During the visit, the immunization information will be entered into the CoCasa program (Comprehensive Clinical Assessment Software Application). A report will be generated from CoCasa supplying information on the status of each child enrolled at the facility who is not up to date on their immunizations.

Please understand, if you do not want to vaccinate your child, that is your business, but we absolutely must have a waiver on file, and they must be received promptly when requested. Below are just some of the regulations with which we must comply. Your acceptance of admission to Jolly Toddlers is an agreement to comply with federal, state, or locally mandated regulations.


55 Pa. Code Chapters §3270.131(d)(5), §3280.131(d)(5), and §3290.131(d)(5) state, “The health report must include a review of the child’s immunized status according to recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).” 


55 Pa. Code Chapters §3270.131(e), §3280.131(e), and §3290.131(e), state “The facility may not accept or retain an infant 2 months of age or older, a toddler or a preschool child at the facility for more than 60 days following the first day of attendance at the facility unless the parent provides written verification from a physician, physician’s assistant, CRNP, the Department of Health or a local health department of the dates (month, day and year) the child was administered immunizations in accordance with the recommendations of the ACIP.” 


55 Pa. Code Chapters §3270.131(e)(1) and §3280.131(e)(1) state, “The facility shall require the parent to provide updated written verification from a physician, physician’s assistant, CRNP, the Department of Health or a local health department of ongoing vaccines administered to an infant, toddler, or preschool child in accordance with the schedule recommended by the ACIP.” 


 55 Pa. Code Chapter §3290.131(e)(1) states, “The facility shall require the parent to provide updated written verification from a physician, CRNP, the Department of Health or a local health department of ongoing vaccines administered to an infant, toddler or preschool child in accordance with the schedule recommended by the ACIP.” 


55 Pa. Code Chapters §3270.131(e)(2)(i)(ii), §3280.131(e)(2)(i)(ii) and §3290.131(e)(2)(i)(ii) state, “Exemption from immunization must be documented as follows: 

(i) Exemption from immunization for religious belief or strong personal objection equated to a religious belief must be documented by a written, signed and dated statement from the child’s parent or guardian. The statement shall be kept in the child’s record. 

(ii) Exemption from immunization for reasons of medical need shall be documented by a written, signed and dated statement from the child’s physician, physician’s assistant or CRNP. The statement shall be kept in the child’s record.” 

Kid Getting Vaccinated


Limitation of Situations That Require Medication Administration by Program Staff Members: Because administration of medication poses an extra burden for staff and having medication in the facility is a safety hazard, medication administration is limited to situations for which an agreement to give medicine outside child care hours cannot be made. Whenever possible, the first dose of medica­tion should be given at home to see if the child has any type of reaction. Parents/legal guardians may administer medication to their own child during the childcare day.

Requirement for an Instruction or Prescription From a Licensed Health Care Professional: Medication administration at this facility is limited to prescription or nonprescription (over-the-counter) medications ordered by a prescribing health care professional for a specific child and accompanied by written consent of the parent/legal guardian. The written order of the health professional must specify the medical reason for the medication, name of the medication, dose, route, when (ie, part of the day), for how long the medication is required (ie, number of days), and any reactions or side effects that might occur. Medications must be in their original pharmacy- or manufacturer-supplied container with a label that includes the child’s name, date the medication was issued and when it expires, prescriber’s name, dose/instructions, pharmacy name and phone number, and relevant warnings. Homemade or folk remedies are not accepted.



Medication Form must accompany medication: Jolly Toddlers will administer medication; however, the Medication Form must accompany the medication, be completed & signed by a parent or guardian. The form must specify the dosage to be administered, the time to be administered, and the length of time that the child is expected to be on the medication.

Exceeds 10 days: If a medication is to be administered for longer than 10 days, we require a physician’s signature on the appropriate medication form.

Topical Products: Written authorization from the parent or guardian is also required in order for us to apply topical products, such as diaper ointment or sunscreen.

Original Container: Medication must be in the original container and prescription medication clearly labeled with the full pharmacy label.

Clear Labels: Medication must be clearly labeled with the child’s first and last name, the name of the medication and the directions for use.

Prescription given to Name Only: Prescription medication shall be used only for the child named on the label.

Storage: Medication is not allowed in cubbies or book bags. Medications are kept at the temperature recommended for that type of medica­tion in a sturdy, child-resistant, closed container away from food or chemicals. The storage arrangement is inaccessible to children and prevents spillage.

Expired Medication: Medication is not used beyond the date of expiration on the container or beyond any expiration of the instructions provided by the physician or other person legally permitted to prescribe medication.

Staff typically NOT Medically Trained, but RN onsite: Jolly Toddlers typically cannot administer medicines or perform procedures requiring specific skills or prior medical training—unless Nancy Thompson, R.N. specifically agrees to such administration, which would require a care plan.

Medication Incidents: These incidents (e.g., spitting out medication, spilling medication, a reaction to medication) are documented in the medication record for the child.



Jolly Toddlers has a Health and Human Services, Wellness, Nutrition and Fitness Center located in the entryway bookcase at the front desk or via Instagram Highlights. It has important information regarding the services that are provided in our surrounding community. These resources will remain in this location for your use. Each family will be provided with this information at the time of their enrollment, as requested, needed, and at each parent conference. An additional copy of such information, if needed, will be put into the communication folders which each child has in their classrooms.


Jolly Toddler’s recommends the following websites where articles and information can be found which may be helpful for parents regarding Health and Human Services, Wellness, Nutrition and Fitness, such as:



We have information on the Social, Emotional, Mental Health, Educational, and Medical Services in our neighborhood. If you would like more information on any subject we will be happy to look into it for you, please ask you classroom teacher or contact Nancy Jr.



In addition to nutritional and physical health, JT focuses on oral, mental, and social health as part of our curriculum.


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